Demo GUI

This web page demonstrates how to interact with a deployed DemoCombined.sol contract using the web3.js library (version >= 0.19.0 < 1.0.0).

Step 1: You need to deploy the DemoCombined.sol contract on a test network (Ropsten, Rinkeby, etc)
If you do not know how, watch:

Step 2: Enter the contract address, for example: 0xf943c4db517a12a47e57b8a3fcdfd9ffc1bde036:

Step 3: Enter your account address (use a test account) from which to interact with the contract:

Step 4: Enter an integer (uint) and press the store button.
This will execute the contract method setStoredVal. The state variable storedVal will contain your entered integer.

Step 5: Enter a text (string) and press the store button.
This will execute the contract method setStoredText. The state variable storedText will contain your entered text.

Step 6: After you have done step 1-5, you can call the getter methods to retrieve the values.
The methods getStoredTextNoConstant and getStoredValNoConstant are useless. These two methods should be constant functions but are not.
When you use these methods it will costs you ether and you do not get the expected result back.