Compound interest calculator with graph help

Settings Remark
From / To date Time period (T) is the length of time that the money is borrowed or lend.
Normally the interest (I) is calculated at the end of each time period (T).

There are two ways to specify the time period:
  • Method 1:
    Enter a value and select the unit time period: days, weeks, bi-weeklies, semi-monthlies, months, bi-monthlies, quarters, semi-annuallies or years.

  • Method 2:
    Select a from date and to date.
    The number of days between the from and to date is the time period.
Method 2: The time period can be set by specifying two dates, the from date and to date.
The number of days between the from and to date is the time period.

Example 1:
From date: 10 January 2013 (Include from date: checked)
To date: 17 January 2013 (Include to date: checked)
Time period = 8 days

Example 2:
From date: 10 January 2013 (Include from date: unchecked)
To date: 17 January 2013 (Include to date: unchecked)
Time period = 6 days

Example 3:
From date: 10 January 2013 (Include from date: checked)
To date: 17 January 2013 (Include to date: unchecked)
Time period = 7 days

Example 4:
From date: 10 January 2013 (Include from date: unchecked)
To date: 17 January 2013 (Include to date: checked)
Time period = 7 days