The Map type control:
You can choose between 3 map type controls:
- Standard
- Menu
- Hierarchical

Provides a control for selecting and switching between supported map types via buttons.
- Map, shows a traditional map view.
- Satellite, shows only a satellite image mosaic.
- Hybrid, shows a map which overlays political and road lines over a satellite map.

Provides a control for selecting and switching between supported map types via a drop-down menu.
- Map, shows a traditional map view.
- Satellite, shows only a satellite image mosaic.
- Hybrid, shows a map which overlays political and road lines over a satellite map.

Provides a "nested" map type control for selecting and switching between supported map types via buttons and nested checkboxes.
- Map, shows a traditional map view.
- Satellite, shows only a satellite image mosaic.
- When hovering over Satellite, the "Show labels" checkbox appears. If the checkbox is selected a map is shown which overlays political and road lines over the satellite map.