Savings interest rates changes (Max. 1000)
Enter on each line a date followed by a delimiter and than a interest rate.
Max 1000 rows allowed.
The interest rate must lie between 0% and 50%.
Max 2 digits after decimal point (4.25) allowed.
The rows are automatically sorted by date.
If a line begins with a # symbol, then the entire line is considered a comment.
- A date. Allowed date formats:
- dd-mm-yyyy (24-11-2013) or dd/mm/yyyy (24/11/2013)
- mm-dd-yyyy (11-24-2013) or mm/dd/yyyy (11/24/2013)
If the day or month has only 1 digit, then you do not need to prefix the number with a 0.
Allowed: 24-01-2013 or 24-1-2013
Allowed: 1-12-2013 or 01-12-2013
The date of the first savings interest change must begin earlier than the date of the first savings deposit / withdrawal.
- A delimiter. Allowed delimiters:
- A savings interest rate
- Max 2 digits after decimal point (4.25)
- A comma (,) or point (.) may be used as decimal point
(3,5 or 3.5)
- Do not use a percentage symbol (2.25%)
- Multiple savings rate changes on one day are not allowed
Correct examples:
- #24-03-2013; 2.25
- 24-03-2013; 2.25
- 24/03/2013; 2.25
- 24-3-2013; 2.25
- 1-3-2013; 2.25
- 03-24-2013; 2.25
- 03/24/2013; 2.25
- 28-03-2013; 4
- 28-03-2013; 4.25
- 28-03-2013; 4,25
Incorrect examples:
- 2013-03-23; 2.25 -> Date has incorrect format (yyyy-mm-dd)
- 35-03-2013; 2.25 -> Date does not exists
- 24-03-2013; 2,561 -> Max 2 digits after decimal point
- 24-03-2013; 2.5% -> No percentage symbol allowed