Online MIDI maker help

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Change octave values in RTTTL code with When you change the default octave value, you also need to change the octave values in the RTTTL code.

Example 1:
Octave default value = 5
RTTTL code = d3,c4,e,a,b

If you change the octave default value from 5 to 3, the octave is decreased with:-2.
The "Change octave values in RTTTL code with" must be set to -2.
When the "Create MIDI" button is pressed, the RTTTL code is changed into: d1,c2,e,a,b

Example 2:
Octave default value = 5
RTTTL code = d3,c4,e,a,b

If you change the octave default value from 5 to 6, the octave is increased with:+1.
The "Change octave values in RTTTL code with" must be set to +1.
When the "Create MIDI" button is pressed, the RTTTL code is changed into: d4,c5,e,a,b

When the octave values are recalculated, the new octave values must lie between 0-8.
If this is not the case the change will not be applied.