Ring Tones Text Transfer Language (RTTTL) is a text format that you use to create ringtones that can be uploaded to your mobile phone.

An RTTTL code looks like:


To convert an RTTTL code to a midi file see: Online MIDI maker.

Quick guides

RTTTL specification.

The RTTTL code is divided into three sections that are separated by colons:
  • The name section (JingleBell)
    A string of characters represents the name of the melody.
    This can be no longer than 10 characters, and cannot contain a ":" character.

    For example: JingleBell

  • The default value section (d=8,o=5,b=112)
    Is a set of values separated by commas, where each value contains a key and a value separated by an = character, which describes the melody defaults.

    For example: d=8,o=5,b=112

    When a note is played it will have a duration of 1/8 note, as indicated by the notation d=8. Unless otherwise indicated, any note identified will be played in the fifth octave, indicated by the notation o=5. The tempo for this melody (how fast it goes) will be 112 beats per minute, as indicated by the notation b=112.

    • d - Duration (Allowed values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)
      Duration is measured relative to other notes using a system of whole notes (1), half notes (2), quarter notes (4), eighth notes (8), sixteenth notes (16) and thirty-two notes (32). It is not measured in time (seconds or minutes).

      For example: d=8

      If d=8, the eight note is the single unit of measure, in which each eight note receives one beat.

    • o - Octave (Allowed values: 4, 5, 6, 7)
      Nokia ringtones for your mobile phone uses the following 4 four octaves (4,5,6,7):

      Octave 4 - Note A is 440Hz
      Octave 5 - Note A is 880Hz
      Octave 6 - Note A is 1760 Hz
      Octave 7 - Note A is 3520 kHz

      Piano small octaves

      For example: o=5

    • b - Beats per minute (Allowed values: 25, 28, 31, 35, 40, 45, 50, 56, 63, 70, 80, 90, 100, 112, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 225, 250, 285, 320, 355, 400, 450, 500, 565, 635, 715, 800 and 900.)

      If a melody is assigned a "112 beats per minute" value, this means that the melody will get one beat each (60/112 = ) 1.867 second. If you want the melody to go twice as fast, you increase the beat to 224.

      For example: b=112

    If any of the parameters is missing from the default value section, the following defaults are assumed: d=4,o=6,b=63.

  • The data section (32p,a,a,4a,...,a,4g,4c6)
    Is a set of string pairs separated by commas, where each string pair contains:
    a duration-pitch-octave and optional dotting (which increases the duration of the note by one half).

    For example:

    • Duration (Allowed values are: 1,2,4,8,16,32)
      See explanation above.

    • Pitch (Allowed values are: a, a#, b, h, c, c#, d, d#, e, f, f#, g, g#, p)
      The pitch represents a note or a rest.
      The following pitch values (lower or upper case) are allowed:

      Pitch Represents note
      a A
      a# A# or Bb
      b or h B or Cb

      In the USA the C major scale is written as: C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C. In Europe (at least in Estonia) the C major scale is written as: C,D,E,F,G,A,H,C.
      c C
      c# C# or Db
      d D
      d# D# or Eb
      e E or Fb
      f F or E#
      f# F# or Gb
      g G
      g# G# or Ab
      p Rest or pause

    • Octave (Allowed values are: 4, 5, 6, 7)
      See explanation above.

    • Optional dotting (Allowed value: .)
      A dotted character (.) can be specified AFTER the duration-pitch-octave pair.
      A dotted duration is one in which a note is given the duration of "itself + half of itself."

      For example:
      A dotted quarter note C, octave 6 (4c6.) has a value of a quarter note plus an eighth note.

      A dotted eighth note F#, octave 5 (8f#5.), has a duration value of an eighth note plus a sixteenth note.

      A dotted whole note D, octave 7 (1D7.), has a duration value of a whole note plus a half note.

    Examples (d=4,o=6,b=63):
    • If no duration or octave specifier are present, the default applies.
    • The character p indicates a rest (pause). Because rests don't occur in an octave, you don't use an octave indicator.

    [duration]-pitch-[octave][dotting] pair Explanation
    8f#5 1/8 note F#, octave 5
    8d5 1/8 note D, octave 5
    8p 1/8 pause
    1p 1 pause
    4p 1/4 pause
    4p. 1/4 + 1/8 pause
    p default length 1/4 pause
    c5 default length 1/4, note C, octave 5
    8d 1/8 note D, default octave 6
    2e. 1/2 + 1/4 note E, default octave 6
    4c5. 1/4 + 1/8 note C, octave 5
    8d#6. 1/8 + 1/16 note D#, octave 6
    c# default length 1/4, note C, default octave 6
    d default length 1/4, note D, default octave 6