HTML 5 canvas examples

This guide contains useful HTML information.

HTML 5 canvas examples

Here below you will find several canvas examples.

Music symbols canvas examples
The music symbols in the examples looks approximately the same as the symbols found in the unicode chart U1D100.pdf.

The canvas size must be limited to 3000 x 3000 px. If larger size is used the behaviour becomes unpredictable (especially in Firefox).

Music symbolDescription
Treble clefTreble clef
Bass clefBass clef
Alto clefAlto clef
StaffMusic staff
Whole noteWhole note
Notehead openNotehead open
Notehead closedNotehead closed
1/2 note stem up1/2 note stem up
1/2 note stem down1/2 note stem down
flag downflag down
flag upflag up
1/128 note stem up1/128 note stem up
1/128 note stem down1/128 note stem down
Whole and 1/2 restwhole rest and 1/2 rest
1/4 rest1/4 rest
1/8 rest1/8 rest
1/128 rest1/128 rest
Single barsingle bar
Dashed bardashed bar
End barend bar
Common time4/4 time or common time
Cut common time2/2 time or cut common time
MusicMusic title

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