Read a text file asynchronously
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example1":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node read_txt_file
Read a text file synchronously
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example2":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node read_txt_file_sync
Read a json file synchronously
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example3":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node read_json_file_sync
Write to text file synchronously
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example4":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node write_txt_file_sync
Write to text file asynchronously
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example5":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node write_txt_file
Read json file synchronously and watch if json file is changed
Note: To stop node press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example6":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node read_json_file_sync
Simple webserver listening to port 9080
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example7":
Step 2:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver
Step 3:
Open web browser, type:
Simple webserver listening to port 9080 and showing web pages within directory demo
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example8":
Step 2:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example8/demo":
Step 3:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver2
Step 4:
Open web browser, type:
Simple webserver listening to port 9080 and showing web pages within directory demo using the connect module.
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example8b":
Step 2:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example8b/demo":
Step 3:
Install connect as local module, type:
npm install
Step 4:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver8b
Step 5:
Open web browser, type:
Simple webserver listening to port 9080 and showing a web form within directory demo using the connect module.
After submitting the web form, the submitted data is shown on a second page.
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example8c":
Step 2:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example8c/demo":
Step 3:
Install connect as local module, type:
npm install
Step 4:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver8c
Step 5:
Open web browser, type:
Step 6:
Enter your name and age and submit the form:
You should see:
Your name is: your_name
Your age is: your_age
Simple webserver listening to port 9080 and showing the correct response code and content type using the connect module.
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example8d":
Step 2:
Install connect as local module, type:
npm install
Step 3:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver8d
Step 4:
Open web browser, type:
You should see:
{"name":"Lena Heady","born":"3 October 1973","occupation":"acctress"}
Step 5:
Open web browser, type:
You should see:
Simple webserver read json config file to get ip address and portnumber. Show web pages within directory demo
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example9":
Step 2:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example9/demo":
Step 3:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver3
Step 4:
Open web browser, type:
Simple webserver read json config file to get ip address and portnumber. Show web pages within directory demo.
The json config file is watched in case it is updated.
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example10":
Step 2:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example10/demo":
Step 3:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver4
Step 4:
Open web browser, type:
Simple webserver using express module.
Read json config file to get ip address and portnumber.
Show web pages within directory demo.
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example11":
Step 2:
Install express in your project, type:
npm install express
Step 3:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example11/demo":
Step 4:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver5
Step 5:
Open web browser, type:
Simple webserver using express module.
Read json config file to get ip address and portnumber.
Show web pages within directory demo.
Show text in URL path.
Read ID number in URL path and match ID number with json message.
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example12":
Step 2:
Install express in your project, type:
npm install express
Step 3:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example12/demo":
Step 4:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver6
Step 5:
Open web browser, type:
Show all repositories for a specific user on GitHub
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example13":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node github
Make several methods public in the module module1.js
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example14":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node server1
Make the method getRepos public in the module github2.js.
Show all repositories for a specific user on GitHub.
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example15":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node server2
Show text in different colors
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example16":
Step 2:
Install colors in your project, type:
npm install colors
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node text_colors
Create a database and collection in MongoDB.
Store and and search objects in the collection.
Step 1:
Install mongoDB and start the mongoDB server
If mongoDB server is not automatically started, goto <mongoDB_installation_directory>/bin and run mongod.exe
Step 2:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example17":
Step 3:
Install mongodb module in your project, type:
npm install mongodb
Step 4:
Create mongo database "nodejs-demo" and store objects in the "user" collection, type:
node connect_db
Step 5:
Search objects in the "user" collection, type:
node query_db
Create a database and collection in MongoDB.
Store objects in the collection.
Search objects in the collection using your browser.
Note: To stop the webserver press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Install mongoDB and start the mongoDB server
If mongoDB server is not automatically started, goto <mongoDB_installation_directory>/bin and run mongod.exe
Step 2:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example18":
Step 3:
Install express in your project, type:
npm install express
Step 4:
Install mongodb module in your project, type:
npm install mongodb
Step 5:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example18/demo":
Step 6:
Create mongo database "nodejs-demo" and store objects in the "user" collection, type:
node connect_db
Step 7:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver7
Step 8:
Search objects in the "user" collection using the browser, type:
Looking at the Twitter streaming API.
- Connect to the Twitter streaming API using oAuth
- Collect tweets around a topic in real time
Note: To stop the script press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Create a twitter account if you do not have one:
Step 2:
Create an application at https://dev.twitter.com/ and get the following oAuth settings:
- Consumer key
- Consumer secret
- Access token
- Access token secret
Step 3:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example19":
Step 4:
Install ntwitter in your project, type:
npm install ntwitter
Step 5:
Start script, type:
node twitter
Looking at the Twitter streaming API and store tweets in mongoDB
- Connect to the Twitter streaming API using oAuth
- Collect tweets around a topic in real time
- Store the tweets in mongoDB
Note: To stop the script press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Install mongoDB and start the mongoDB server
If mongoDB server is not automatically started, goto <mongoDB_installation_directory>/bin and run mongod.exe
Step 2:
Create a twitter account if you do not have one:
Step 3:
Create an application at https://dev.twitter.com/ and get the following oAuth settings:
- Consumer key
- Consumer secret
- Access token
- Access token secret
Step 4:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example20":
Step 5:
Install ntwitter in your project, type:
npm install ntwitter
Step 6:
Install mongodb module in your project, type:
npm install mongodb
Step 7:
Start script, type:
node twitter2
Looking at the Twitter streaming API and store tweets in mongoDB.
Open a browser and show last 10 tweets from mongoDB.
Reload page to show updated tweets.
- Setup webserver
- Connect to the Twitter streaming API using oAuth
- Collect tweets around a topic in real time
- Store the tweets in mongoDB
- Open a browser and show last 10 tweets from mongoDB
Note: To stop the script press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example21":
Step 2:
Install mongoDB and start the mongoDB server
If mongoDB server is not automatically started, goto <mongoDB_installation_directory>/bin and run mongod.exe
Step 3:
Create a twitter account if you do not have one:
Step 4:
Create an application at https://dev.twitter.com/ and get the following oAuth settings:
- Consumer key
- Consumer secret
- Access token
- Access token secret
Step 5:
Install ntwitter in your project, type:
npm install ntwitter
Step 6:
Install mongodb module in your project, type:
npm install mongodb
Step 7:
Install express module in your project, type:
npm install express
Step 8:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver8
Step 9:
Show last 10 tweets in browser, type:
Looking at the Twitter streaming API.
Send the data in realtime to a browser using module socket.io.
No database used.
- Setup webserver
- Connect to the Twitter streaming API using oAuth
- Collect tweets around a topic in real time
- Send the tweets in realtime to a browser using module socket.io
Note: To stop the script press CTRL+C
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example23":
Step 2:
Create a twitter account if you do not have one:
Step 3:
Create an application at https://dev.twitter.com/ and get the following oAuth settings:
- Consumer key
- Consumer secret
- Access token
- Access token secret
Step 4:
Install ntwitter in your project, type:
npm install ntwitter
Step 5:
Install express module in your project, type:
npm install express
Step 6:
Install socket.io module in your project, type:
npm install socket.io
Step 7:
Start webserver, type:
node webserver10
Step 8:
Show tweets in browser, type:
Use of the os (operating system) module
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example24":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node script1
You could see:
Node.js version=v0.10.32, Operating system=Windows_NT
The os module is part of the core Node.js module. You do not need to install the os module separately.
Use the REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) interface
Step 1:
Open a terminal and type:
Step 2:
A prompt ">"is shown, the REPL interface is ready to enter javascript commands.
Step 3:
You can enter:
- os=require("os")
This will show all available functions provided by the os module.
- os.type()
To execute the os.type() function.
- global
To show all variables available in the global scope.
- CTRL+D or
To stop the REPL interface.
Use of the node-dev module.
This module automatically shows changes to a file without having to stop and start node.
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example26":
Step 2:
Install node-dev as a global module, type:
npm install node-dev -g
Step 3:
Run this example, type:
node-dev webserver
Step 4:
Open web browser, type:
Step 5:
Change the "Hello world" response in webserver.js, for example "Hello galaxy".
When you save this file, the changes will be shown in the browser without having to stop and start the node.
There are several types of modules:
- Core modules
There modules are shipped with Node.js and do not need to be separately downloaded and installed, for example the os module.
See example 24.
- Modules that are part of your project
These modules are installed using npm and are stored in the "node-modules" folder within your project folder, for example the colors module.
See example 16.
- Local modules to separate data from your code
See example on right.
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example27":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node script2
Script2.js loads data from data1.js file, by using statement require("./data1.js")
Step 3:
You should see:
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
Read command line arguments using the optimist module.
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example28":
Step 2:
Install optimist as local module, type:
npm install
Step 3:
Run this example, type:
node script3 --myflag 5 --myvalue 100 hello world
You should see:
Number 1. Value=100. Unused argument:hello
Number 2. Value=100. Unused argument:hello
Number 3. Value=100. Unused argument:hello
Number 4. Value=100. Unused argument:hello
Number 5. Value=100. Unused argument:hello
Note 1:
The first unused argument "hello" is stored in _array[0],
the second unused argument "world" is stored in _array[1].
Note 2:
Changing the order of the flags does not matter, you can also type:
node script3 hello --myvalue 100 world --myflag 5
Enter input from command line using the readline module.
Step 1:
Right click and download the file in project folder "example29":
Step 2:
Run this example, type:
node script4
You should see:
How old are you? Enter a number:
Enter a number to see the response.
Use module jshint to check if your javascript code contains errors before you actually run it.
Step 1:
Right click and download the files in project folder "example30":
Step 2:
Install jshint globally, type:
npm install jshint -g
Step 3:
Run this example, type:
jshint script5_ok.js
You should see:
No messages
Step 4:
Run this example, type:
jshint script5_nok.js
You should see:
Many warning messages