Create MySQL database and tables.
Operating system used
Windows XP Home Edition Version 5.1 SP 2
Software prerequisites
MySQL 3.23 or higher
There are three ways to create databases and tables:
Batch Mode
You can run mysql in batch mode to create databases and tables.
Download an example batch script "createmobilefishdb.sql".
To execute the script, enter:
C:\..\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot -pmysecret < createmobilefishdb.sql
If instead you want to create the database and tables interactively, do the following:
Open command line MySQL monitor, type:
C:\..\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot -pmysecret
To create a database mobilefishdb, type:
mysql> create database mobilefishdb;
mysql> use mobilefishdb;
To create USER table, type:
mysql>create table user (
-> userid int auto_increment,
-> username varchar(255) not null,
-> firstname varchar(255) not null,
-> lastname varchar(255) not null,
-> title varchar(255) null,
-> gender enum('m', 'f') null,
-> date_of_birth date null,
-> password varchar(255) not null,
-> email varchar(255) not null,
-> phone varchar(255) null,
-> primary key (userid)
To create ADDRESS table, type:
mysql>create table address (
-> addressid int auto_increment,
-> userid int unsigned not null references user (userid),
-> street varchar(255) not null,
-> housenumber varchar(255) not null,
-> zip varchar(255) not null,
-> city varchar(255) not null,
-> state varchar(255) not null,
-> country varchar(255) not null,
-> primary key (addressid)
Populate initial data in USER table (for user 1), type:
mysql>insert into user (userid, username, firstname, lastname,
->title, gender, date_of_birth, password, email, phone)
->values (null, 'johndoe', 'john', 'doe', 'ing.', 'm', '1970-06-30',
->'secret', '[email protected]', '001-99999999');
Populate initial data in ADDRESS table (for user 1), type:
mysql>insert into address (addressid, userid, street, housenumber,
->zip, city, state, country)
->values (null, last_insert_id(), 'fishstreet', '12', '1111 aa',
->'amsterdam', 'noord-holland', 'netherland');
Populate initial data in USER table (for user 2), type:
mysql>insert into user (userid, username, firstname, lastname,
->title, gender, date_of_birth, password, email, phone)
->values (null, 'joesmo', 'joe', 'smo', null, null, '1970-10-09',
->'password', 'password', '[email protected]', '002-55555555');
Populate initial data in ADDRESS table (for user 2), type:
mysql>insert into address (addressid, userid, street, housenumber,
->zip, city, state, country)
->values (null, last_insert_id(), 'stationstreet', '78', '3333 zz',
->'den haag', 'zuid-holland', 'netherland');
Exit command line MySQL monitor, type:
- To display how the tables are defined, type:
C:\..\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot -pmysecret
mysql> use mobilefishdb
mysql> desc user;
mysql> desc address;
mysql> quit
- To show all tables within the database mobilefishdb, type:
C:\..\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot -pmysecret
mysql> use mobilefishdb
mysql> show tables;
mysql> quit
If you don't want to have the "mobilefishdb" database you can remove it with:
C:\..\mysql\bin>mysqladmin -uroot -pmysecret drop mobilefishdb
To terminate MySQL server, type:
C:\..\mysql\bin>mysqladmin -uroot -pmysecret shutdown