The favicon generator creates a 16x16 pixel size .ico file.
This favicon file must be uploaded to your website docroot.
Then add the following line inside the <head> </head> tag of each html file.
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type=" image/x-icon" />
When you access your website with a Firefox browser, the favicon will be displayed:
There are two methods to create a favicon.
Method 1: Design your own favicon.
- Select a color in the favicon color picker.
- To draw a single cell, just click your mouse on the specific cell.
- To draw multiple cells, hold down the SHIFT button while moving your mouse over the drawing area.
- You can move your design left, right, up and down.
- Your design can also be flipped vertically, mirrored horizontally and rotated 90 degrees.
Method 2: Convert an uploaded image into a favicon.
- Upload a image.
- Press the "Convert image into favicon" button.
Image to favicon convertor:
- Upload any of the following filetypes: .gif, .jpg, .png, .jpeg.
- The maximum file size = 50 KB
- For the best results the uploaded image must be as small as possible, prefreably 16x16 px.
If this is not possible the image size must be a multiple of 16.
For example 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 etc.
- Press "Convert image into favicon" button.