This free online service allows you to upload an image an draw a shooting target.
You can also enter a text on top of the image.
Here are several examples created with this tool:
How it works:
- Upload any of the following image filetypes: .gif, .jpg, .png, .jpeg.
The maximum file size = 100 KB.
If the uploaded image has a width larger than 610px, it will be automatically resized to 610px.
- Place your mouse cursor on the image, this will be the bullseye center, and click your left mouse button.
- Drag the your mouse while holding down the left mouse button. The shooting target will appear.
- If the left mouse button is not pressed, the shooting target will not change its size.
- You can now set the shooting target line color, line thickness and bullseye.
- Enter a text (max 100 characters), select a font type, text alignment, font color and font size.
- Set a text background color and its height.
- You can convert the shooting target image to a grayscale image.
- Press the "Create" button to create the shooting target image.
Note: When you upload an image and its width is larger then 610px two shooting target images are created
One with a width of 610px and the other one with a width of the original uploaded image.
- The shooting target image(s) will be available for 30 minutes after the "Create" button is pressed
and then will be automatically deleted.
Input upload image and add shooting target:
Output upload image and add shooting target:
No image with shooting target.