Show all the fonts installed on your Windows system

This service shows all system fonts installed on your Windows computer and only works with Windows Internet Explorer browser. The reason why it works only in IE is that it's a browser-specific solution.

This online tool lets you preview text written in all installed fonts on your computer to help you choose the best font for a particular job. After you have set a default text, a font size and font style (italic, bold or underlined), this tool gives a list of all fonts installed on your system and displays the text and font settings in a simple table.

For example:

Example Windows installed fonts on your computer

Input Show all the fonts installed on your Windows system:

Text *: Characters entered:    Max 400 chars allowed.
Font size:  px
Font style: Bold:      Italic:      Underlined:
* = required        
Note: It may take 20 seconds or more to show all the fonts. During this time your browser becomes unresponsive. Please be patient...

Output Show all the fonts installed on your Windows system:

No output