HTML escape and unescape tool

The HTML escape tool escapes all special characters in the raw HTML to their HTML character entity equivalents. This is sometimes needed if the special characters are wrongfully interpreted as markup. The converted text can pasted back onto your website. The HTML produced by this tool looks and behaves exactly like the original.

For example:
' is replaced with '
" is replaced with "
& is replaced with &
< is replaced with &lt;
> is replaced with &gt;

This tool can also escape non ASCII characters in the raw HTML to HTML codes.

For example:
À is replaced with &#192;
¼ is replaced with &#188;
测试 is replaced with &#27979;&#35797;

The HTML unescape tool converts HTML codes back to their original character.

For example:
&apos; is replaced with '
&quot; is replaced with "
&amp; is replaced with &
&lt; is replaced with <
&gt; is replaced with >
&#192; is replaced with À
&#188; is replaced with ¼
&#27979;&#35797; is replaced with 测试

Input HTML escape and unescape:

Select a method:
Convert characters:
  Help Replace tab with spaces
Help Replace space with &nbsp;
  Help Replace newline with <br />
Characters entered:   
Max 100000 characters.
* = required         

Output HTML escape and unescape: